Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn

I do like a book with an edge to it. And this one has more than its share of edges. 

Nick and Amy. Perfect couple. Perfectly in love. Except they aren't. Were they ever? On their fifth wedding anniversary, Amy disappears, leaving suspicious traces. Was she abducted? Was she murdered? Did she just leave? And what about Nick? He's hiding something.

The couple, living in Nick's home town in Missouri, share their stories in alternating chapters. When they talk of the same incident their takes are entirely different. Normally I prefer one narrator to two or three or four. In this case, the two-narrator setup seems to be ideal for the development of suspense and suspicion. We do get to know the two rather well. It doesn't matter than both are substantially flawed. They both experience some kind of change.

When Amy first disappears, the press and public are vocally in sympathy with Nick. Over time, though, as more information is revealed, this perception changes, and Nick desperately needs to bring it around again. Together with his twin sister Go (for Margo), he fights what each revelation suggests. And we wonder. Then we begin to learn more about Amy and the story shifts. Amy, who is the model for her parents' successful children's book series, Amazing Amy, has reason to be a little resentful now and then.

Highly addictive.


Melinda said...

I liked this book too! A nice psychological thriller.

Alaska Fishing Lodge said...

I think I'm going to grab a copy this weekend. Don't know when I'll get to it but nice to have it around to tempt. Glad you enjoyed it.